Move your career along with your location: Federal resume guide military tips

Today we are talking about a military career and the specifics of this profession. We managed to interview one of the spouse military spouse, who told us what the life of the military was like and shared her advice with us. In particular, she recommended us one special resource called government resume services, a new project of the Federal resume guide, which is used by herself and many of her friends from military community. This is a free guide designed by professional resume writing team to help with a career coach not only military and their families, but also all federal employees. 

I just wanted to talk for a minute about the career on the move and let me tell you, why I’m bringing it up. For those of you who don’t know I am a military spouse, I live overseas in Germany right now and right now in May -June-July time frame is really the peak moving season for the military. I left last week, I visited Prague and it seems like I left for a week, I turn around and come back and half my friends are gone. That’s just it is in this community, and we’re very transient. I had also found out right before I left for my vacation that one of my team members is gonna move here where I live and I’m super excited. Because I work by myself in my office half the time and so now I’m gonna have one of my team members here, in my city to work in with me, so that’ll be cool. Crossing our fingers and just praying that it goes the way it’s supposed.

Leaving within the military community: an inside look

I just wanted to educate everybody, the reason I’m bringing it up is because I left, went to Prague, come back, all my friends moved and now I want to educate you on a resource we have for federal sector. That’s totally free, it’s called the Federal resume guide and it has been created for everyone, not just the military. But this season is here and half of my friends are posing PCS moving, and they’re going to be looking for new jobs soon. So if you click on the link here:  You will see a link to go to a main page. You just pop your name and email in, and we will answer you any question considering this resource, it’s totally free and there’s a really cool section of it. That you can isolate. There are a lot of useful articles, it’s designed to be brainless. Because your brain is working on overdrive. When your house is full of boxes and moving tape and the movers are there.

That one section you can print off, that’s military to civilian resume sample, it’s very useful. Federal resume guide team wrote this guide, they put a lot of love hours into it and our whole team is military-affiliated in some way, and we’re pretty good at moving by now. But I also got the input from a lot of other military spouses to help create the guide, so it’s a really great resource and it’s totally free.

So check Federal resume guide, shares it with all your friends who you know are moving and just share the love. We’re here to help you and moving is tough and if you are on the military community you move a lot. So we can just do any little thing to help you, we’re here to do that as well. If there’s something that we did not answer in the guide, let us know and we’ll do whatever we can to answer your questions. So feel free to leave your questions in the comments and let us know what we can do to help you. Move your career along with your location.

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